

Important Notes About Our Services

  • Shipping is a separate purchase from your product purchases.
  • You are responsible for purchasing shipping. Your items will NOT ship till shipping is paid for by you and messaged to me(Pokehits247) on discord.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations are accepted on sealed product only, and only if order has not been completed or shipped yet. This means that you may cancel booster pack purchases prior to them being opened on the livestream. Once booster packs are opened, the order may not be cancelled or refunded.
  • All cancelled orders will be subject to a $5 cancellation fee.

Refund Policy

  • Refunds are accepted on cancelled orders only, less the cancellation fee.

Chargeback Policy

  • A chargeback is the the withdrawal or reversal of an already processed payment. As stated in our Fulfillment policy, refunds will only be given to successfully cancelled orders, returned sealed products, or items lost in transit. Refunds will not be given on opened merchandise. Any customer who initiates a chargeback against Pokehits247 for completed orders or services rendered will be disputed to the fullest extent. In addition, any customer who files a chargeback, regardless of the reason or the outcome, will be permanently suspended on all of Pokehits247 platforms, including but not limited to, use of this website, Twitch, and Discord.

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